The Theory and Practice of the Law of Attraction

loaIn science Plato stated like attracts like, meaning water would attract water, earth to earth, and so on. Over the years this would become the basis for the Law of Attraction. The simple principle behind the Law of Attraction is that positive thinking will bring about positive changes in your life. This also means negative thinking will of course bring negative changes. The theory is that by realigning your thoughts with this positive thinking you are opening yourself up to communicate your wants and desires to the Universe and in doing so all you want will manifest for you.

So how do you practice the Law of Attraction? There are as many different ways as there are people, but the main things to remember are: visualize, ask, and trust. Visualize the thing you want. Picture it in your head. Write it down. Do whatever you need to do to make it real to you. And make sure to be as specific as possible. Ask the Universe for it. That’s simple enough true, the hard part is Trust. You have to trust that it will manifest for you. You have to positively think about it every day, tell yourself daily that you will get it.

Many people in history are purported to have practiced the Law of Attraction and went on to great things because of it. Leonardo de Vinci, Galileo, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, and Andrew Carnegie to name a few were Law of Attraction believers. More recently it has been said that Martin Luther King Jr. and Joseph Campbell practiced as well. Great people who did great things because they believed they could.

As with anything metaphysical, however, the Law of Attraction is not without its detractors. If positive thinking brings you good things, negative thinking will bring you bad things. An example of this would be if you were constantly thinking you were going to be fired, eventually you will be. There are naysayers that go a step further and say that all the positive thinking in the world will not manifest what you want, if you don’t also actively attempt to seek it out.

The Law of Attraction works, or does not work, because of conviction. When you think negatively what you fear will come to pass because you inadvertently cause it by concentrating only on the negative. You more than likely don’t see the signs that you’re heading down the wrong path until it is too late. Conversely, if you concentrate on the positive thinking on mentally manifesting what you want, you are more likely to also actively seek it out thereby proving that the Law of Attraction works.

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